Elementary Review: Sherlock Finds Empathy

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At the end of Elementary Season 2 Episode 10, it was clear that Sherlock was feeling remorse about what happened to Bell, but what wasn't clear was whether or not those feelings would affect him in the future. 

On Elementary Season 2 Episode 11, the after-effects of both the experience of seeing Bell seriously injured in front of him and then going to trial for it because abundantly obvious.

Well, as abundantly obvious as they ever will with Sherlock, anyway.

Hedge Fund Murder

It's not like we should expect to see him quietly sobbing to himself over this situation, but having it affect his work was proof enough that he was battling some inner demons. 

Rare to come across such a literal case of someone shooting the messenger.


Watching this episode, it was kind of amazing to realize just how much Sherlock has changed since the first season. With him the changes aren't exactly earth-shattering, but that's kind of the point. He's still gruff and brusque and tactless, but underneath all of that we're starting to see glimpses of a soft underbelly of feelings. 

In this episode, that underbelly showed itself when Sherlock showed up at Alfredo's place and quietly admitted that, for the first time in his career, his feelings for a victim were affecting his concentration.

As if that weren't shocking enough, Sherlock then didn't deny it when Alfredo claimed that he had finally gotten his first taste of empathy. 

Sherlock: Monkey balls.
Watson: I beg your pardon?
Sherlock: One of the many folk names for the Osage orange.

Alfredo's suggestion to help Sherlock through those newly-discovered feelings was a bit unusual but, like Sherlock, once I got used to the idea, I warmed up to it. I think it will be great to see Sherlock take on the task of helping someone through the program and I love that he felt obligated to do it because Alfredo had helped him so much. 

While I don't think we will ever see a soft and cuddly Sherlock (and nor would I want that), I am very intrigued by the path that this situation with Bell has led Sherlock. 

Did you not learn anything from what happened to Detective Bell?


Speaking of Bell, I don't know what to think about him getting a job offer to work with the Commissioner. On the one hand, that sounds like a great opportunity for him, but on the other hand, I hate the idea of him not working with the rest of the team anymore.

Also, if Bell isn't around, how can he and Sherlock become friends again? Theirs wasn't exactly a close friendship by any means, but I came to look forward to their (often hilarious) interactions and I will miss them if he goes away. 

Overall, I found this to be another excellent installment of Sherlock Season 2

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Elementary Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Rare to come across such a literal case of someone shooting the messenger.


Chloe: You must really trust him.
Watson: I do.