Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 3 Episode 5 Review: Halloween, Part III

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Captain Holt was back at the Nine-Nine just in time for Halloween Heist 3: The Heistening.

I have come to look forward to this show's Halloween installments, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 3 Episode 5 did not disappoint. The hilarious battle of wits continued as Holt and Jake tried to best each other during a heist.

Amazing Detective Slash Genius - Brooklyn Nine-Nine

The best episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine are always the ones that feature the entire precinct sharing the same story. The dynamic and chemistry among this cast is off the charts, and when they're all together, it's practically magical.

It was fantastic from the start. The running joke of Charles' love for Halloween and the precinct making fun of his costume will never get old. That cold open was fantastic, and all their costumes were awesome. I'm not sure which I loved more: Terry as Popeye or Rosa as Little Bo Peep.

Rosa: Why are you dressed up? You look like an idiot.
Charles: But...but...
Amy: Yeah, what are you supposed to be, a sassy car mechanic?
Jake: No, come on, he's clearly the rejected Pop-Tarts mascot, Hairy Pop-Tart.
Charles: I am not! You know who I am!
Holt: Squad, that's enough. You're making Boyle feel bad on purpose. He's Elvis!
Charles: Yes!
Holt: Elvis Stojko, the Canadian figure skater.
Charles: No!!!!

Both teams had some great plans. Captain Holt's scuttle across the window was genius as was using Terry's twins to distract Jake. No actual person with a heart could resist tiny twin preschool girls named Cagney and Lacey dressed as cops.

As far as I'm concerned, however, the MVP of The Heistening goes to Rosa. Let's take a minute to appreciate her general badassery. While Jake was prolonging an argument by saying "never ever ever" 30 times (I'm ball-parking that figure), Rosa was being an action hero.

Jake: You should have seen us Rosa, Charles and I were amazing.
Rosa: I somersaulted through a window, cut the crown out of a briefcase and replaced everything in under a minute.
Jake: Yeah, I guess you helped a little. But our fake argument was super convincing, and all of a sudden we had to make it longer, and we did!

I could see why Holt and Jake decided to leave Amy out.  Amy was a walking conflict of interest. Her obsequious pandering to Captain Holt was enough cause for concern for Jake, and Holt wasn't wrong for seeing their relationship as a threat.

That said, it was pretty harsh, and I'm glad she came out victorious over them both. Using Hitchcock and Scully to help her was less predictable. I never would have guessed that their argument in Holt's office was fake.

Let's be real, we all saw the Amy-wins-the-crown ending coming a mile away, right? The minute they decided to leave Amy out, I knew she'd be the one to successfully have the crown by midnight. But that didn't matter, because the whole story was hilarious.

One of the many, many fantastic things about this show is how they get to a punch-line. The end may be as predictable as the hands on a clock, but the fun isn't the destination, it's the story that gets us there.

The Charles and Gina side story was amusing. I think it's hilarious that Charles doesn't see the inherent awkwardness of step-siblings dating twin siblings. Though again, I think it would have fit better in another episode, as it was just a distraction within one that was already fun and packed with things to enjoy.


So many jokes – where do I even start?

  • Captain Holt and Terry's handshake was one for the books. It ended with a salute!
  • Charles' spin on "Noooo!!" was also fantastic.
  • The Quote of the Week: While I was disappointed that Captain Holt's code name for himself wasn't "Velvet Thunder," this was still pretty amazing.

Holt: Alpha team, this is the Golden Sparrow. Rendezvous at drop-zone Yankee.
Jake: When did you come up with all those code names?!?!

So what did you think? Which detectives would you have picked for your team? Who had the best costume? Let us know!

As always, you can relive The Heistening when you watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine online.

Halloween, Part III Review

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

Jake: As you may know, for the past two years, Captain Holt and I have engaged in an epic battle of wits. The goal? To determine who must call the other an amazing detective-slash-genius.
Holt: The first year, by sheer dumb luck, Jake eked out a feeble victory.
Jake: And last year I let the Captain win because he's old and sad.

Rosa: Why are you dressed up? You look like an idiot.
Charles: But...but...
Amy: Yeah, what are you supposed to be, a sassy car mechanic?
Jake: No, come on, he's clearly the rejected Pop-Tarts mascot, Hairy Pop-Tart.
Charles: I am not! You know who I am!
Holt: Squad, that's enough. You're making Boyle feel bad on purpose. He's Elvis!
Charles: Yes!
Holt: Elvis Stojko, the Canadian figure skater.
Charles: No!!!!