Marshall Eriksen (Jason Segel) is Ted's college roommate and now best friend in How I Met Your Mother.  Marshall is engaged to and eventually marries his college sweetheart, Lily.

Marshall is a lawyer who always wanted to work as an evironmental lawyer but in an effort to provide for his wife and future family now works with Barney at a big bank corporation.

Marshall was previously Ted's roommate for the first few seasons but now lives with Lily in their own condo they purchased.

Marshall Eriksen Quotes

Barney: (to Ted) There's a girl in your bed.
Marshall: And a pineapple. Am I the only one who's curious about the pineapple?

James: When is the last time you saw a diaper poking out of a Dolce and Gabbana suit?
Marshall: Tuesday at work, some of the senior partners are really getting up there.

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