We're sorry to announce that as of September 24, 2014, TV Fanatic has shut down its tv forums.

Unfortunately, our once popular forums have been overrun by watch tv online spammers.

We invite all of our once loyal forum participants to hop in the comments and discuss their favorite shows with follow Fanatics there. We hope to bring the same level of back-and-forth to those sections as you helped us bring to our forums.

If you have any thoughts, concerns or suggestions, please email webmaster at tv fanatic dot com.

We'd love to explain why we made this move in more detail and we wish to emphasize that it had nothing to do with any of you, our loyal readers. You have helped the site grow to epic proportions over the years and we wish we did not have to make this move. 

Darn those spam robots, you know? They're more annoying than wearing the same outfit as your best friend to the prom. Don't you agree?

Anyway. As always, it's you guys that make this site. So we apologize again for the bad eggs. We just could not dedicate the resources to stopping the spam that got past our filters.