Wendy and Nico and Candy

Wendy, Nico, and Victory sit down to talk after their respective Halloween adventures. Luckily they have some candy to enjoy while they discuss.

Nico at Conference Table

We thought this was a very cool picture of Nico in front of the Matrick sign at the conference table. Nico leads a meeting to discuss the next issue of Bonfire.

Nico and Her Meeting

Nico hosts a meeting for the new issue of Bonfire. Some people, Griffin included, want to run a story about some kid from Queens that's guilty of insider trading. Shame that's Nico's brother.

Victory, Nico and Lots of Pancakes

Victory and Nico come by Wendy's to pay her a little visit. The house looks like an IHOP with all the pancakes stir crazy Wendy has been making.

Kirby and Nico in Bed

Kirby embraces Nico as they lay in bed together. OMG they're totally boyfriend and girlfriend now. Go Nico!

Kirby Cleans up Nicely

Nico takes Kirby clothes shopping so he'll have something nice to wear to the charity event on Saturday. Kirby may look good with no shirt on, but he certainly also cleans up nicely.

Ladies at Lunch

The ladies of Lipstick Jungle have lunch and try and talk Wendy out of coming clean about what she did with Noah. Oh why don't you listen to your girls, Wendy?

Nico and Kirby Run Into a Friend

Nico, while finally going out in public with Kirby, runs into a friend. Too bad she blows it and introduces him as Wendy's ex assistant.

Nico, Victory, and Wendy Crying

Nico, Victory, and Wendy all share a good cry at Charles' funeral. It's better than laughing at the funeral, right?

Nico has Support at the Funeral

Nico is not sure how she's going to handle her husband's funeral, especially after learning about his affair. Luckily she has Wendy and Victory by her side.

A Fence Between Nico and Kirby

Nico comes to visit Kirby but there's a fence between them. Will that stop them from a little physical contact.

Nico and Kirby Behind a Fence

Nico comes to visit Kirby after she sees Kirby's art at her house. They're separated by a basketball court fence but will that keep them apart?

Lipstick Jungle Quotes

I can't think less of you. You've smelled like mop & glow for the last week.

Victory [to Roy]

Wendy: Sounds like someone is driving without breaks.
Victory [whispers]: Gun it.