Questioning Curtis - Arrow Season 4 Episode 17

Is the team requesting that Curtis remain a part of them on a permanent basis? It looks odd with Curtis being the only guy sitting down. Give him a break!

Mr. Awesome - Arrow Season 4 Episode 17

Here's hoping the story around Curtis is good, because he has done some great thing with very little airtime.

Healthy Oliver - Arrow Season 4 Episode 17

Oliver has healed and is healthy again. He must be thanking Curtis for being such an incredible guy. Because, Mr. Terrific!

Working on Oliver - Arrow Season 4 Episode 17

Everyone is rallying around Oliver as Curtis does what he can from a technological perspective, I suppose, to counteract the sting. Maybe it's nanotech.

Operation - Arrow Season 4 Episode 17

What was in the bee stings from Brie Larvan and her special flying friends? The sure did a doozy on Oliver.

Laurel Has News - Arrow Season 4 Episode 17

Laurel arrives with news and it concerns their friend Oliver Queen. Incoming injured! Incoming injured!

Curtis at the Helm - Arrow Season 4 Episode 17

Hey! Has Curtis taken over where Felicity left off for Team Arrow? That's different. Or maybe it just looks like it...

Quentin Lance - Arrow Season 4 Episode 17

Is Quentin a regular part of the team now? It sure looks like it. He fits right in. May there always be a Lance.

Felicity Looks On - Arrow Season 4 Episode 17

Felicity watches hopelessly as Exoskeleton walks over to Oliver. There's probably nothing she can do to help.

Not the Ally - Arrow Season 4 Episode 17

Nope, the Exoskeleton is definitely not the ally. Oliver doesn't look like he's ready to greet the fellow with open arms, but like he's expecting to be stung!

Another Skeleton Shot - Arrow Season 4 Episode 17

Here's another shot of the Exoskeleton. Big guy in a yellow and black suit, looking like a bee. Buzz buzz buzz!

Exo is Big! - Arrow Season 4 Episode 17

Whoever Exoskeleton is, he is a big man. And Felicity is backed up against the wall as he walks by. But notice he doesn't seem to be aggressive toward her.

Arrow Season 4 Episode 17 Quotes

It looks like we have ourselves a taller, more dude-like version of Felicity.

Diggle I'm sorry, I just gotta look. Did you sew that in yourself or do you have some sort of lip sewing guy?
