On A Mission - Charmed (2018) Season 1 Episode 2

The Charmed Ones are in a rush to defeat their next demonic enemy. Macy will need to get her telekinesis ready, and Maggie with her telepathy.

Galvin Burdette - Charmed (2018) Season 1 Episode 2

Macy's first friend at the university, Galvin, has been a kind and loyal support to her. However, will their recent drama tear them apart?

Romance Blooms - Charmed (2018) Season 1 Episode 2

The drama between Maggie and her ex-boyfriend Brian has been a roller coaster, to say the least. Will the two get back together or will it finally end?

Niko - Charmed (2018) Season 1 Episode 2

Mel's on-again-off-again girlfriend Niko is back in the picture, but the secrets of the magical world could pose a problem for their relationship.

Spectral Responses - Charmed (2018) Season 1 Episode 2 - Charmed (2018)

The spirit board is calling out to the sisters. What does it have to say? Did the sisters successfully reach their mother?

Do We Trust Harry? - Charmed (2018) Season 1 Episode 2

The spirit board has warned against Harry, but is he an enemy to fear? This Whitelighter might not be an angel after all.

Combining Magic - Charmed (2018) Season 1 Episode 2

The Charmed Ones are stronger when they utilize their powers together. Their next spell will be stronger than others thanks to the joint chanting.

Spirit Board - Charmed (2018) Season 1 Episode 2

Maggie and Mel hope to communicate with their deceased mother via the spirit board. Will they make a connection?

Who Do You Trust? - Charmed (2018)

The sisters try to determine whether or not they can trust Harry on Charmed. "Let This Mother Out" is the second episode of the show's first season.

Charmed (2018) Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Harry: Remember, the Underworld knows you’re the Charmed Ones and we need you to keep safe. You must call straight away if you see signs of increased demonic activity: abrupt fog, increase in temperature, rapid dog fornication, spontaneous human combustion, presidential tweets…

Maggie: Oh, careful with the Mom Bong! She’s fragile and one of a kind.
Macy: The what?
Maggie: I found a bong in the back of Mom's closet in the third grade. I didn’t know what it was, but I broke it. I felt so bad, so I made her a new one in art class. Mom loved it. “My 8 year old made me a bong!”