Roller Rink Rehearsal

Rehearsal at a roller rink? Why not?!? New Directions must go what they must do to get ready for the season-ending event, Regionals.

Kurt Photo

Kurt played a key role on the Glee episode "Home." He and his dad continue to have issues at home, but each is trying.

Great Duet

April Rhodes returned for "Home." She sang a pair of great duets with Will Schuester.

Glee Season 1 Episode 16 Quotes

Kurt: You shouldn't be embarrassed about your boy.
Mercedes: Embarrassed ? I'm worried about showing too much skin and causing a sex riot.

Mercedes, your vocal chords have had more fantastic runs than a Kenyan track team.


Glee Season 1 Episode 16 Music

  Song Artist
Song Beautiful Glee Cast iTunes
Song Homeward Bound/Home Glee Cast iTunes
Song Fire Glee Cast iTunes