Good Friends

Chuck sees Dan standing outside his hotel. At least Nate is there to hold him back.

The Wild Brunch Photo

A screenshot from the episode "The Wild Brunch."

Rufus Humphrey Image

Rufus Humphrey was part of a 90s band that is so good, it's been forgotten. Don't forget that!

Sharing a Room

How do Dan and Jenny share a bedroom? With the help of this garage door, of course.

All Alone

Serena was left without any friends to close out The Wild Brunch. Will that change any time soon?

Blair and Her Phone

Few things are more valuable on the show than cell phones. As Blair proves here.

Creepy Threesome

Chuck and two friendly hotel employees. They had a fun night.

Gossip Girl Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Jenny: The real question is, so how are you?
Dan: Me? Why wouldn't I be okay?
Jenny: You know, at end of the night with Serena and the...
(Jenny gives Dan a awkward wave)
Dan: Was it really that bad

Jenny: I mean, how could I have actually thought Chuck Bass just wanted to talk to me?
Dan: Becuase you trust people. Which is normally a good thing.
Jenny: Yeah, except when it involves Chuck.
Dan: Yeah pretty much