Helping Martin Quit - iZombie Season 5 Episode 9

Liv enlists the help of her friends to keep an eye on Martin in hopes of helping him kick his drug habit.

Mommy Troubles - Tall - iZombie Season 5 Episode 9

Eva is back and wants to speak to Liv because she needs help with something important on iZombie Season 5 Episode 9.

Clueless - Tall - iZombie Season 5 Episode 9

Liv is on the brain of a beauty pageant teen from the '90s, and she brings on all the nostalgia while investigating the case with Clive.

The Brain of a Princess - iZombie

Liv consumes the brain of a beauty pageant contestant who was murdered on iZombie. "The Fresh Princess" is the ninth episode of the show's fifth season.

iZombie Season 5 Episode 9 Quotes

Wasssuuuuppp, Clive, is me again!


Ravi: What is this? She eat the cast of Clueless or something?
Clive: Nineties pageant girl brain.