Camille Engelson - Stitchers

Camille Engelson is one of the lead characters on the recently cancelled Freeform show, Stitchers.

Got Your Back, K - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 10

Cameron watches as Kirsten shares a moment with her mother. What will happen when it's time to stitch?

There for Her - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 10

Cameron stays with Kirsten when she goes to visit her mother. What other sacrifices might he have to make?

Listen to Me - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 10

Stinger is the worst. He experimented on his family. But he also knows more about stitching than anyone.

It's All Come to This - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 10

Kirsten is on the verge of getting all the answers she's wanted. But what price will she pay for them?

On Standby - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 10

No matter what happens, we know Kirsten can count on Cameron. But will he risk her life to save her mother's?

Taking Sides - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 10

Once again it looks like Ivy has chosen her father's side over Kirsten's. Or will we learn her true motives?

Reunited! - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 10

Kirsten finally has her mother back. Or at least her mother's pod. Will she be able to wake her up?

Forgiveness? - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 9

Amanda's shocked by Camille's big gesture. But will it do the trick to repair their romance?

Serenade - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 9

Camille's ready to pull out all the stops to get Amanda back. Even if that means putting her heart on the line.

Tag Team - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 9

Suspects don't stand a chance when Fisher and Camille arrive to question them. But what happens if he moves to DC?

Fisher Disapproves - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 9

Linus has a risky idea for solving the case. Fisher doesn't like it because it puts the team in danger.

Stitchers Quotes

Kirsten: how long have I been in this room?
Maggie: Answer the question.
Kirsten: I'm trying to. How long have I been in this room?
Maggie: Guess.
Kirsten: An hour?
Maggie: One minute. [smiling and leaning in] You really don't know, do you?
Kirsten: I have this condition, it's called temporal dysplasia. I have no time perception.
Maggie: I've read about this condition. I thought it was made up.
Kirsten: I wish, cause then you could unmake it up; it really sucks. I use memory, logic and math to approximate time difference, but I don't know what time feels like.

Kristen: Why is he here? Are you guys coroners?
Cameron: No. He's here to share his memories with us.
Kirsten: But he's dead.
Cameron: Hmm. Fun fact: After death, consciousness lingers for 30 seconds. After that, 10 minutes and the brain starts to degrade. If we get a sample in here fast enough, we can start a protocol that will slow down further deterioration for days.
Kirsten: Sample? You mean corpse?
Cameron: Tomato/Tamato.
Kirsten: You're getting this guys dead, deteriorating brain to talk to you? How?
Cameron: By inserting a living consciousness into those memories. We call it stitching.
Kirsten: That's impossible.
Cameron: Is that so, doctor I've never studied neuroscience unlike Cameron. The brain is a bioelectrical device with emphasis on electrical. Even after death the wiring, the synapses are all still in there, for a while anyway, and that means so are the memories, but it takes a living consciousness to access them and interpret them and that's where you come in.