Song Artist
Total Insanity Kind iTunes
I Need That Record Tweeds iTunes
Song Finders Keepers Needle Dik ’80
Amoeba Adolescents iTunes
Livin' in the 80s Zero Boys iTunes
Tempted Squeeze iTunes
Age of Consent New Order iTunes
Happy Birthday Altered Images iTunes
Whisper to a Scream (Birds Fly) The Icicle Works iTunes
Fly Like the Wind Used Records iTunes
Displaying all 10 songs

The Carrie Diaries Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Mr. Bradshaw: When you turn 17, I'll get you a credit card.
Dorrit: I'd like that in writing.

Carrie: Well, for the first time in my life, I'm going to use "flabbergasted" in a sentence. I am flabbergasted.
Maggie: You should have him. He practically apologized to me. Clearly, he misses me.
Mouse: I officially join your flabbergastation.