Norman: Dylan, none of this is your fault. I'll go with you to talk with her if you want me to. I'll try and help if I can.
Dylan: I can't ask you to do that. I mean, if I get thrown out of the house, that's on me, but I can't drag you into it.
Norman: I feel like this is partly my fault. There's something wrong with me. I wanted to destroy you because you were getting close to her and I hate that person. I'm a man now, not her little boy and I want to be a good man. I trust your judgment if you think this is the right thing to do.

This is the first time since I moved to this crummy town that I have anybody by the short hairs. I'm gettin' something out of it.


Come on. I'll give you a lift. I'm going right near where you live... Where do you live?


Chick: Caleb!! Look. At. Me. Life is shit. There is only one thing that makes it better. Boar jerky.
Caleb: [chuckles] What the hell is wrong with you, man?
Chick: Everything.

Oh, and uh, the password to the WiFi is MOTHER, all caps.


You're telling me two people are lying in the morgue and the town is now better for it?


Bates Motel Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

Oh, and uh, the password to the WiFi is MOTHER, all caps.


You're telling me two people are lying in the morgue and the town is now better for it?
