Luke: I gotta say, I can't really blame people for shipping you and Captain America.
Kate: Can we NOT have this conversation? I'm very, very gay.
Luke: Have you not seen Batwoman? Major straight vibes.

Luke: Wow... 'Slam' is Mr. March in the annual 'Hunks of the GCPD' calendar.
Kate: Handcuffs are a nice touch.

Mouse: I'm getting cold. Perhaps we should resume this when the conditions are more favorable to celebration.
Alice: Catherine Hamilton is DEAD. The sunshine is implied!

Kate: I didn't mean to scare you.
Mary: I know and you didn't mean for your twin sister to poison my mother but we all know how that turned out.

Luke: You are the most famous person in Gotham right now. You don't think you're the obvious target here?
Kate: Coming from the genius who puts a bat emoji on every single text message.

Food's getting cold, Commander Kane. Where's your bite, puppy dog? Some classic-ass poetry that the man who locked up half the fools in here is now eating out of the same doggy bowl. Welcome home.


Jacob: Your mother's been killed. Gotham thinks I killed her. It's incomprehensible. How are you dealing with everything?
Mary: I'm engaging in escapist strategies as a defense tactic so that all the walls holding up everything I know to be good and true don't come crumbling down around me.

Sophie: You ever feel like you're hiding from the world?
Batwoman: I'm literally standing in a shadow.

Kate: Whenever I put on this suit, I feel like I'm lying to our entire city.
Luke: Well, that's the job.
Kate: According to the Multiverse, my job is to be a Paragon of Courage.
Luke: Right, because the Paragon Finder said so before the infinite Earths collapsed into a single space-time continuum. I'm sure it was all very exciting.

Batwoman: What the hell were you thinking?
Parker Torres: I'm sorry. Okay? Chill.
Batwoman: I. Don't. Chill.

Parker Torres: Why are you doing this?
Alice: Because my inner mean girl never got to live out her high school experience.

We're human and we'd rather be doing anything than feeling our feelings.


Batwoman Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Luke: Wow... 'Slam' is Mr. March in the annual 'Hunks of the GCPD' calendar.
Kate: Handcuffs are a nice touch.

Luke: I gotta say, I can't really blame people for shipping you and Captain America.
Kate: Can we NOT have this conversation? I'm very, very gay.
Luke: Have you not seen Batwoman? Major straight vibes.