Atwater: I wonder if she heard back from the board already.
Ruzek: Maybe. That's all the more reason to celebrate, right?
Upton: Yeah, or drown her sorrows.
Ruzek: Geez.
Upton: Sorry, I'm Greek, I see tragedy in everything.

Bunny: Does she know?
Voight: No one knows. No one can.
Bunny: Thank you.
Voight: Oh, it's not like that. "Cause I promise you, the second you put her in jeopardy, I'm coming after you.

Mom's ring. She always said it's not a race, but whoever meets the right girl first gets the ring.


Upton: I'm taking my FOP lawyer. We've prepped. Nothing's going to bounce on this unit or Lindsay. I'm not that kind of cop.
Platt: Good. Then I came up here for nothing.

Platt: Your mother's world record streak of bad luck and crap timing is still going strong, but you don't want to go up there.
Lindsay: I just want to help, ok, I'm not looking to cover for Bunny.
Platt: Ok, not only shouldn't you go up there, you can't. Per Chief Lugo, you can't palm in. If you want to disobey, it's me chaperoning, and frankly I don't need the cardio.

Halstead: You came home to find Johnny Martelli dying in your bed and you don't call 911? You call your daughter?
Bunny: She's the police!
Halstead: She's not an ambulance!

Chicago PD Season 4 Episode 23 Quotes

Platt: Your mother's world record streak of bad luck and crap timing is still going strong, but you don't want to go up there.
Lindsay: I just want to help, ok, I'm not looking to cover for Bunny.
Platt: Ok, not only shouldn't you go up there, you can't. Per Chief Lugo, you can't palm in. If you want to disobey, it's me chaperoning, and frankly I don't need the cardio.

Halstead: You came home to find Johnny Martelli dying in your bed and you don't call 911? You call your daughter?
Bunny: She's the police!
Halstead: She's not an ambulance!