Tommy: Nolan, a man was killed.
Nolan. A bad man, a long time ago.
Tommy: You're going to try to bury this, aren't you?
Nolan: It's my job to keep the peace. Not running around like Sherlock Holmes chasing old ghosts.

Tommy: You're going to be my date.
Irisa: I don't date.
Tommy: Why not?
Irisa: I'm from the Badlands.

Irisa: You should be resting.
Nolan: I'll sleep when I'm dead.

Nicky: Together we can reshape this planet.
Doc Yewll: Reshape or destroy?
Nicky: We can't create without destroying. I thought you'd figure that out by now Doctor.

Datak: Amanda, I do hope this town is big enough to withstand a little healthy competition.
Amanda: Of course Datak. I look forward to the challenge. It will be fun.

Nolan: Whelp, you were stupid letting that one get away.
Connor: Yeah I was, and she's wrong about the whole thing. We're all going to be dead very soon. Want to get drunk?
Nolan: Nah, I'm on the clock.
Connor: Suit yourself.

Nolan: I want to know what you were doing during the Pale Wars, all of it.
Doc Yewll: It was a war. You generally try to win those. You should know; you butchered enough of my people.
Nolan: I could always make it one more.
Doc Yewll: We will have to get back to that conversation, we have a plague.

Gordon McClintock: Are you Americas?
Nolan: I was, once. Welcome home son.

Tommy, you hurt my daughter, your questions about God are going to get answered personally.


Nolan: Irisa give you that book?
Tommy: Yeah.
Nolan: You two have been spending a lot of time together lately. You got something you want to tell me Tommy?
Tommy: NO.
Nolan: You sure about that?
Tommy: Very sure about that.

Tommy: There she blows Captain, two points off the starboard bow.
Nolan: Stop reading Moby Dick.
Tommy: It's enriching.
Nolan: It's annoying.

Kenya: Can you image if Datak could see us right now?
Stahma: Kenya, listen to me very carefully. If my husband ever found out we'd been together he'd kill us both without hesitation or mercy.
Kenya: It's his loss. I would have given him the 2 for 1 deal.

Defiance Season 1 Quotes

Tommy: [To Nolan] Come on, give me your wrists.
Nolan: You took too long, I got bored [handing Tommy the handcuffs]

Garrett: Tommy, I told you to watch him, not cuff him.
Tommy: He was armed.
Garrett: Now he's unarmed. See that patch on his shoulder? If he really wanted to hurt you, those cuffs wouldn't stop him.