Trevor: Sex is not a resolution for conflict.
Bonnie: Then you're not doing it right.

Every little problem Adam and I have turns into a fight. Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm just too broken to be in a partnership with someone.


Wendy: I've been married!
Everyone: WHAT!
Wendy: I was 22, I guy promised me $3,000 to marry him for a green card, so I did. The next morning I found out he was broke and from Iowa.
Bonnie: How often did you fight?
Wendy: Just the once.

Classic Plunkett move. We almost do the right thing.


Anyway I got so irritated the other night and -- I'm not proud of this -- I threw a potato at him. A fingerling. I'm not an animal.


Bonnie: We'll discuss this later once Trevor tells me how I feel.
Trevor: I don't tell you how you feel.
Bonnie: Which is another way you're letting me down.

Smoothies are canceled.


Andy: Or, I could just not drink.
Jill: What?
Andy: If it makes you uncomfortable, I won't drink.
Jill: You can do that?
Andy: Absolutely.
Jill: Oh my god, I love that you would do that for me. And I hate you because you can.

It smells so good in here. It's like a pumpkin made love to a gingerbread man in an orange grove.


Adam: They should make meat dessert. Like meat in a pie.
Andy: Meatloaf pot pie! But no peas.
Adam: Why do people ruin everything with peas? Get out of here peas!

See this? It's my mind. Know why it's over here? 'Cos it's blown.


You have money, to live alone, without an annoying older woman? That's my dream!
