Later sister kisser.


Felix: Tell me something. Why is it that I'm not worried about you at all?
Tony: Because this is how I roll. You can't fence this shit in.

Rachel: Of all of us, how is it the un-monitored tramp was successful?
Ethan: In her fertility? Rachel, she's a failure, not a success. You were all barren by design.
Rachel: I suppose you couldn't have created a reproducing prototype, could you? That would be irresponsible, which is unforgivable.

Tony: I've got sisters.
Felix: That you do, Tony. That ya do.
Tony: Ya know, I think I'd get along with dreadlocks over there, but the one with the soccer ball looks like a douche.
Felix: She's a functional alcoholic, but she's not that bad. Lucky for you, we need to keep you away from all this. For now.

Sammy's exact words -- Tell Beth keep the faith. Paul's like me. He's on it. He's a ghost.


Felix: You all right mate? It's a lot to take in.
Tony: Yep. Yep. Look at us. We're hot. Damn girl.

Sarah: A boy clone? So a whole new batch then?
Felix: No, he's definitely your batch.

Tony: Just run me a bath.
Felix: Run it yourself bitch
Tony: Ouch! It's meaner than he looks.
Felix: You are so much like my sister.

Felix: Holy Tilda Swinton. Where in the hell did he come from?
Art: I kept Beth's cell phone open hoping it might ring some day. Can you clarify what's goin' on here?
Felix: That'd be a single chromosome.
Art: So I got it right. He's a transclone.
Felix: He's trans. He's yeah. Just another variation in my sister's skin.

Art's a cop. He's suspended, which is the only kind of cop I like.


Orphan Black Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Felix: Holy Tilda Swinton. Where in the hell did he come from?
Art: I kept Beth's cell phone open hoping it might ring some day. Can you clarify what's goin' on here?
Felix: That'd be a single chromosome.
Art: So I got it right. He's a transclone.
Felix: He's trans. He's yeah. Just another variation in my sister's skin.

Art's a cop. He's suspended, which is the only kind of cop I like.
