Isn't it crazy how fast you can fall in love with someone? I can't take my eyes off of him.


You are a real piece of work and the most repressed man I ever came into contact with, and that's saying a lot because I work in politics.


Travis: I slept with Emmett.
Eli: What did you say?
Travis: Twice.
Eli: I am such an idiot.

Andy: Bishop, what's wrong?
Maya: I think I just saw my brother.

I'm just going to say it, how many prides do we need?


Alice: Being a nanny is like the strongest form of birth control. I'm not having one.
Maya: That's what I said.

Cop: With no witnesses, it's he said/he said.
Ben: And you believe him?
Cop: That dog looks pretty scary. We gave him a citation for discharging a firearm in a residential area. If there are any more witnesses next time --
Ben: So you're just going to wait until someone is actually injured or dead next time before you do anything. Got it.

Maya: Hey, are you okay?
Andy: Yeah. I just always imagined Jack here. Whenever I've seen myself as captain, he was always here. Part of the family, but now he won't be.
Maya: Nineteen is still a family.

Jack: So I'm not a firefighter anymore? Then what, I mean--
Andy: Nineteen will still be here for you, just in a different way.

Vic: Are you okay?
Beckett: I thought I could still be part of my family, but I don't know.
Vic: You know, sometimes giving up addictions means you got to give up people. Psychologists call it ambiguous loss, that feeling of grief from giving up relationships.
Beckett: Thank you, Dr. Phil.
Vic: Why don't you join Crisis One? I need a right hand.
Beckett: I see what you're doing. You're trying to make poor old Beckett feel like part of the team.
Vic: Do it or don't.

Emmett: I feel like there's a bad joke here, like how you forced me out of the closet just to force me back in.
Travis: Well, it's a pantry, though.
Emmett: And now I feel like I'm corrupting you.
Travis: Corrupting me?
Emmett: When we met, I was cheating on Alicia, and you were really upset. And --
Travis: Yeah, I mean, but this is different. Emmett: Is it, though?

Captain, when's my next shift?

Jack [to Andy]

Station 19 Quotes

This is going to get worse.


Maya: At least I won't be transferring to 23 anymore.
Dean: You won't?
Maya: Instead I'll be going to jail for harboring a fugitive.