I will never forgive you for what you're making me do to him.


Cameron: I love you.
Kirsten: I know.
Cameron [smiles proudly]: Well played.

If Kirsten's love is going to save her mother, then your love is going to save her.


Linus: Is crying on command something you got from your father or is that a trick you learned on your own?
Ivy: What I feel is not a game. It isn't a lie. I know that you don't understand everything that is happening right now, but you will. And soon. Please. I need a friend right now. I'm all alone.

Cameron: I didn't say anything.
Kirsten: I know what you're thinking.
Cameron: That's a scary superpower in a girlfriend.

Kirsten: He won't let my mother die. I know it.
Cameron [to himself after she leaves]: She's not the one I'm worried about.

Kirsten: Admiral Decker, who is Denise Nichols?
Admiral Decker: Denise Nichols picked the stitch cases. We're here because we need to find out how she did it. The answer is in that room.

This might be the biggest stitch we've ever stitched.


Kirsten: We can't be together, Cameron. This isn't a life. What kind of life is this?
Cameron: Kirsten, look at me. As long as we're together, you are my life. If you don't want to stitch, then I don't want you to stitch. If you want to leave, then I'm leaving with you, okay?

Ivy: You broke into my place?
Cameron: Well, you broke into Kirsten's mind so...

Cameron: If we only knew who picked our cases, we wouldn't have to stand around wondering. We could call and find out.
Maggie: I'm not having that conversation again. Do your job.

Maggie: I can't change the past.
Kate: Then at least have the decency to be haunted by it.

Stitchers Quotes

Kirsten: how long have I been in this room?
Maggie: Answer the question.
Kirsten: I'm trying to. How long have I been in this room?
Maggie: Guess.
Kirsten: An hour?
Maggie: One minute. [smiling and leaning in] You really don't know, do you?
Kirsten: I have this condition, it's called temporal dysplasia. I have no time perception.
Maggie: I've read about this condition. I thought it was made up.
Kirsten: I wish, cause then you could unmake it up; it really sucks. I use memory, logic and math to approximate time difference, but I don't know what time feels like.

Kristen: Why is he here? Are you guys coroners?
Cameron: No. He's here to share his memories with us.
Kirsten: But he's dead.
Cameron: Hmm. Fun fact: After death, consciousness lingers for 30 seconds. After that, 10 minutes and the brain starts to degrade. If we get a sample in here fast enough, we can start a protocol that will slow down further deterioration for days.
Kirsten: Sample? You mean corpse?
Cameron: Tomato/Tamato.
Kirsten: You're getting this guys dead, deteriorating brain to talk to you? How?
Cameron: By inserting a living consciousness into those memories. We call it stitching.
Kirsten: That's impossible.
Cameron: Is that so, doctor I've never studied neuroscience unlike Cameron. The brain is a bioelectrical device with emphasis on electrical. Even after death the wiring, the synapses are all still in there, for a while anyway, and that means so are the memories, but it takes a living consciousness to access them and interpret them and that's where you come in.