Jake: We're here for Brandi Vargas.
Sam Denning: Well, she sure as hell isn't here. [A demonic portal opens and drops her corpse into the room. They all stare.]

Oh, now you can tell lies that aren't lies? Wow you really *are* a politician!


Jake: Get ready for Chupacabra jerky!
Cassandra: Ew, you're cooking it?!
Jake: [excited] No, he's making it! The Chupacabra, he's *awesome*!
Ezekiel: [dubious] Is that *safe*?
Jenkins: As long as we keep it away from the goats on Level Four.
Cassandra/Ezekiel: [simultaneously] We've got goats?!

Flynn: Do you remember me?
Ray: Of course I do. You're my best friend.

Eve: You're not as charming as you think you are.
Moriarty: I'm precisely as charming as I believe I am, to the decimal place.

Cassandra! Please do not fan-girl over the arch villain!


No, no! You'll run! You're like the Gingerbread Man!


"Thanks, Ezekiel. You're a genius, Ezekiel," said none of you, *ever*.


You want to know the most important thing I've learned being a Librarian? It's that there's a difference between doing what's best, and doing what's right.


Whatever happens next... remember that I chose to stay.


Magic is out there! More and more regular people are coming into contact with it. We can't just keep boxing it up and pretending it's swamp gas!


Mindy the Cheerleader: I still don't get why Peter left, though. Oh! Maybe he found where the volleyball team ended up after that away game. All we found was a bus full of empty clothes. Great prank, huh?
Cassandra: Prank, terrifying conundrum...

The Librarians Season 2 Quotes

Eve: Coincidence, or sinister alignment?
Flynn: Let's find out!

Flynn: Eve, trust me. They'll never know we were here. [Scene cuts to Flynn and Eve running from angry villagers.] Aaah! They know we're here!
Eve: They probably noticed when you made the volcano erupt!
Flynn: It was a very small volcano.