I'm telling you, that baby could be the star of a show called "Babies I Don't Care About."


If you're gonna go whale watching on the east coast, you might wanna bring a magazine called "West Coast Whales."


Erin: Michael can you stop talking now, I have to do your lips.
Michael: Don't shave my lips.

Deangelo: Why do you use your name when you answer the phone?
Erin: Oh that's how Pam does it. I just copy her. She's sort of a living legend.

Hey Deangelo, what do you think about bald people? I hate them.


Dwight: Thanks for meeting me.
Michael: Are you kidding? I'd come anywhere to see a turtle.

They don't ever talk about careers that were MADE because of unplanned pregnancies.


This is Jim and Pam, aka Jap.


You may call them Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah. I call them heaven.


As you know, one of my favorite things is fan fare for its own sake.


Nope it's not Ashton Kutcher, it's Kevin Malone. Equally handsome, equally smart.


Everyone I know who skis is dead.


The Office Season 7 Episode 19 Quotes

Michael: Do not tell my fiance I'm drinking on a Wednesday.
Deangelo: Haha. I won't...I don't know her.

Deangelo: To beginnings and endings.
Michael: And to middles, the unsung heroes.