Malik: You know what I had to go through to be at your house only 6 minutes late? I got up at 4:30. I usually get up at 5, prepare Janelle's meals, and do the laundry to be ready by 6. But today I had to pack a lunch and iron my shirt. So it was 4:30. City Hall isn't boring, not at all. But I have a daughter. And her needs come first even if it means I can't do things I want to do.
Randall: My father died when I was 17. And I thought I had to make my dreams smaller to take care of my family. So trust me when I say, don't make your dreams smaller. Make them bigger. Not in spite of your daughter. For her.

Ellie: One time. I went out one time. A few months before Doug died. I decided I couldn't have this baby and I was going to have an abortion. I got as far as the parking lot in the clinic. And I know people have really strong feelings about that.
Kate: I am not judging you.
Ellie: It wasn't the right choice for me. So am I having second thoughts? Yeah, about my whole life. Except for one thing. You and Toby. I'm 100% sure about that.

Rebecca: He's a kid. It's a game. It's supposed to be fun.
Jack: Here you go.
Rebecca: Here I go what?
Jack: His whole life, every time it got hard you let him quit. Guitar lessons, boy scouts...
Rebecca: So our six-year-old got tired of tying knots, so I let him stop. Put me in Mom Jail!
Jack: I'm just saying, every time it gets hard he quits and you let him. I think sometimes you're too soft on him.

Tess: He's not answering his phone.
Deja: Of course not. He's too busy dancing.
Beth: That's not dancing. I don't know what it is, but it's not dancing.

Toby: Are you sure?
Kate: I'm sure.
Toby: Cause once we sign these papers...
Kate: Babe. It's a birth plan, not a deal with the devil.

Rebecca: Jack. Kevin is totally exhausted.
Jack: Of course he's exhausted. He's staying up late doing something he loves. That's the best kind of exhausted.

Rebecca: I'm never leaving this bed. You can't make me.
Jack: I think I got two hours of sleep.
Rebecca: What? A whole two hours? Who are you? I am so tired that I can't remember the name of the guy from the fairy tale who sleeps forever.
Jack: We can't keep doing this. We have to let Kevin cry himself to sleep.

This Is Us Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

Rebecca: Jack. Kevin is totally exhausted.
Jack: Of course he's exhausted. He's staying up late doing something he loves. That's the best kind of exhausted.

Rebecca: I'm never leaving this bed. You can't make me.
Jack: I think I got two hours of sleep.
Rebecca: What? A whole two hours? Who are you? I am so tired that I can't remember the name of the guy from the fairy tale who sleeps forever.
Jack: We can't keep doing this. We have to let Kevin cry himself to sleep.