Body of Proof Reviews

Body of Proof Review: A Brilliant Way Out

Body of Proof Review: A Brilliant Way Out

On Body of Proof, when a fund manager accused of defrauding people of $1 billion disappears from the middle of his trial, can Megan and the team prove whether a video shows if he is dead or alive?
Posted in: Body of Proof
Body of Proof Review: Evil Genius

Body of Proof Review: Evil Genius

On the conclusion of this two part Body of Proof, with Lacey being held hostage Megan must keep vital information about a serial killer to herself or risk her daughter's life.
Posted in: Body of Proof
Body of Proof Review: Outbreak!

Body of Proof Review: Outbreak!

Megan and the team are faced with a city-wide outbreak of a mysterious, lethal virus that puts everyone at risk. CDC Officer Charlie Stafford (Luke Perry) takes over the investigation to determine who and what caused the outbreak on Body of Proof.
Posted in: Body of Proof
Body of Proof Review:  Bodies In Hiding

Body of Proof Review: Bodies In Hiding

When a dead body in a car trunk leads to another body in a wall, the team has to solve two murders simultaneously. Will Kate survive the political pressures of her job on Body of Proof.
Posted in: Body of Proof

Body of Proof Quotes

The body is the proof. It will tell you everything you need to know if you just have the patience to look.


Don't believe everything you've heard about me. The truth is much worse.
