Back in Town - Psych 2 Season 1 Episode 1
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Lassiter is badly injured in an ambush. Shawn and Gus bring the recovering Lassiter a rescue dog, Morrissey. Shawn and Gus tell nurse Dolores that Lassiter is seeing strange things at night at the recovery center. Morrissey runs off and comes back carrying a severed human hand. They ship off the hand to Woody the Coroner. Juliet O'Hara, Shawn's wife, visits to inform Lassiter that the man who shot him six times, Reece Kessler, had been arrested. O'Hara finds a homeless girl who has the missing bullet Juliet's seeking in her leg. Woody calls to say the hand was from a suicide victim, Devon Tileback. Looking out his window, Lassiter sees a bleeding man limp into the stables. Shawn and Gus go to an ice bar, the Viking's Den. They end up riding away from Viking bikers. They discover Tileback is alive until he's shot. Buzz investigates the shooting. Shawn finds a positive pregnancy test in Juliet's car. Lassiter texts that patient Sam Wilkerson, supposedly comatose, is walking. They confront Wilkerson but he doesn't move. Herschel kicks them out. Dolores sneaks them in to protect Lassiter. Sneaking around, Gus runs into Henry and spills about the pregnancy. Shawn hallucinates profiler Mary as a baby. He and Gus were drugged by psychotropics in the ice chips.  They see Wilkerson sneaking around. Tileback was Wilkerson's best friend. They were cooking the books before an IPO. Someone found out and starting blackmailing them. Shawn and Gus follow a bloody earmuff to the Viking's Den where O'Hara and Captain Vick wait for them. They find Ova dead in the freezer. Ova's son Per shot Lassiter. It's Selene that's pregnant. Dolores is Per's accomplice. She tries to kill Carlton with an overdose. Lassiter draws a hidden gun and shoots the IV bag. Selene proposes to Gus. 

Psych 2
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Psych 2 Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Shawn: We just can't stop doing bits we've been doing for 10 years. We have fans. They have expectations. There'll be a huge backlash.
Gus: Shawn, we are two dumb asses. We do not have fans.

Meet Morrissey, the rescue dog, here to rescue you from your own handsomeness.

Shawn [to Lassiter]