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Charlotte wakes up in an apartment with Vince, the man with the crescent tattoo on his hand, on Revenge Season 4 Episode 6. He tells her she's the bait he'll use to catch David Clarke. During a struggle, she kills him and finds a file on David Clarke in his desk. 

Charlotte calls Emily for help cleaning up the mess. Emily arrives and during the clean-up tells Charlotte that Victoria killed Aiden. Charlotte checks herself into rehab and tells Victoria that she won't tell her mother where she's going.

Victoria meets David at his beach house so they can prepare to tell his story to the world. When she wants to discuss talking points, he tells her the truth doesn't need to be rehearsed. She goes to Daniel in an attempt to get Margaux to steer the interview in Victoria's chosen direction and discovers Daniel is working with Louise Ellis.

Emily and Nolan hack into the FBI to see David's interview so Emily can understand what David has been through in his absence. Something about his story doesn't feel right to her.

David visits Nolan again to invite Nolan to the interview, saying he needs someone in his corner in case things go wrong. Emily calls right before the interview begins and learns that Nolan and David have reconnected. While she inspects the silo where David was held, David accuses Nolan of stealing Emily's inheritance on live television.

Victoria meets with Louise at a country club and Louise sees Victoria with Margaux. Louise makes a move to befriend Margaux, much to Daniel's dismay, and later begins stalking her.

Ben continues looking into Conrad Grayson's murder and ends up on David Clarke's trail.

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Revenge Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

[to Emily] What would you do if your bestie wasn't a keyboard cowboy, besides, well, actually talk to your father?


Hacking into the FBI should get harder as I get older, but nope.
