Playing Chess - The Undoing Season 1 Episode 4
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We're seeing Grace walking at night, looking up at the camera. She's describing the walk to Haley.

Interestingly, Nicole Kidman is having trouble hiding her accent in this scene.

Haley relays that the police have other photos of Grace walking after the murder, so she's no longer a suspect, but they do think she's withholding because that's what rich, entitled people do when they're threatened. They conceal the ugly truths to protect themselves.

Haley is no-nonsense. She will not allow Grace to conceal.

Grace doesn't think much of Haley, but Franklin doesn't care. Haley needs to fix problems, not be her friend. Grace just wants some unconditional love and support from Franklin.

Haley is visiting Jonathan in jail. He thanks her, and she says she's doing it for Franklin.

She's skeptical about his story about biting and tells him not to bite anyone else. She wants to get him out so that they can begin building the narrative. He says he's estranged from his family, and that interests Haley. 

Jonathan has cheated before. A one-off years ago. He lost a patient and turned to someone else. She doesn't believe his story.

Grae meets with the other attorney, Robert. He says he's a gutton for punishment. He wishes he was still on the case of a lifetime. But he also admits if someone he loved was on the line, he'd want Haley Fitzgerald, too.

Robert's gut tells him the Jonathan could be innoced. He still thinks he's a dick, just not one who woud create urder. But when Grace recalls Elena that night at the party and Jonathan's face, she might feel differently.

Grace goes to her father for the bail money. He's worried they'll live together like a happy family. He has conditions.

Franklin visits Jonathan, who plays the sheepish ass. Franklin lays it on the line. He thinks he's guilty. Since Grace makes room for the possibility that he isn't. He's only putting up bail money for Jonathan because Grace so rarely requests it, but if Jonathan messes up, he will track down Jonathan and kill him himself.

Jonathan is released on bail amid a sea of reporters.

Henry is running to school and crashed right into Miguel. He pauses, says hi, and shakes his hand before apologizing. The schoolmaster pulls Henry into his office to ask about the conversation.

Mendoza and friend are there again, asking Grace questions. They're asking again about Elena and how well Grace knew her. She doesn't pick up calls she doesn't know, and apparently, Elena called her several times.

Elena had an oil portrait of Grace in her basement. Grace cannot believe it and ends the conversation.

Jonathan says he knew she was obsessed and wonders what the police will make of it. He says we'll get through this. She says they are not in this together. She'll play the assigned role, but that's it. He pulls the what we had was too big to undo card, and she calls him on it. He managed to undo it, didn't he?

Henry watches a news report about his dad.

Franklin confronts the schoolmaster. He says if ever an overpriced piece of shit school needed to step up... He assures the guy that he is an old-fashioned cocksucker, and he's about to make their lives a living hell

Grace dreams of Elena.

She goes on one of her walks. Elena's husband, too, is on a walk, watching Grace.

She's still walking at daylight when it begins to snow. She looks like she's about to pass out. And she does.

Jonathan, not knowing his place, rushes to her side in the hospital. Franklin is livid.

Sylvia checks in with Grace, and Franklin checks in with Henry. Henry is pretty impressed with Franklin's treatment of Conifer.

Jonathan goes to the Alvez house. Fernando tries to shut the door on him, but he sticks his foot in the door. Fernando acquieses. Jonathan tries being a doctor with Miguel, who has a tear coming down his face. Jonathan says he didn't do it. 

Jonathan admits he crossed lines, but he didn't take Elena's life. The audacity of that man.

Fernando cannot believe Jonathan's plan is to make Elena seem "off." Then Jonathan threaten's Fernando to stay away from Grace. The baby begins to cry, and Jonathan follows him further into the house. Fernando asks if Jonathan would like to feed his daughter.

Jonathan doesn't seem overly impressed with the idea.

Fernando says it's difficult to love her. He has tried really hard and will keep trying, but it's difficult. Jonathan says he can take her. 

When Haley hears what Jonathan did, she explodes. He just tampered with a witness. A condition of his bail is to stay away from them, but he did it anyway.

She wonders, how much fucking charm do you think you have? It leads into a great discussion in which she cites his charm.

Jonathan says he didn't do it, but Haley cannot get her brow unfurrowed.

She suggests a TV interview. They need to jump into the pool, let people see and hear them without being subject to cross.

Grace aspired to have what her parents had, but Franklin breaks the bad news -- he was unfaithful all the time. They were never happy.

Grace cannot believe it, but Franklin used his past to pass judgement on Jonathan. Her entire world shifts before her eyes. All the gifts and notes and jewelry were his way of apologizing. Each time he cheated, he would realize he didn't want to live that way. And then he'd do it again.

He's scared to death that she'll let Jonathan in again. She is insulted.

Jonathan and Haley visit with Connie Chung. Grace and Henry watch with Sylvia, her daughter, and Franklin. Jonathan proceeds to suggest Fernando is the killer, or even, perhaps, Grace.



The Undoing
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The Undoing Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Jonathan: Well, there's no one else apart from Elena.
Haley: Elena and the one where you were distraught. The sad fuck.
Jonathan: Is that supposed to be funny?
Haley: I'm not funny.

Grace: I was on one of my walks.
Haley: One of your walks.
Grace: Yes. One of my walks. That's what I do. That's how I ground myself. I walk. Is that really so difficult to comprehend?
Haley: That you happen to ground yourself by walking within footsteps of your husband's bludgeoned- to-death lover? Yeah. It bumps me.