Time To Consult - Twin Peaks
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Cooper wins thousands of dollars and gets driven back to the house and the family of the doppelganger whose life he took over. 

He struggles to live as a normal person in that house, with his ''wife" believing that it is really him while his ''son'' think that a new friend is here to play with him.

Gordon and Albert get a call that Cooper has been found. They go down to identify him, bringing along another agent that Denise first doesn't approve of because she thinks Gordon might like this woman.

They meet the Evil Cooper, who tells them he was undercover and got arrested on the way to deliver some news. He acts enough like the actual Cooper to confuse Gordon and Albert, which makes them consider bringing in another person to examine him. Albert says he knows where this woman drinks.

In Twin Peaks Bobby appears, and gets emotional over the memory of Laura Palmer.

Lucy and Andy's son comes to town to talk to the Sheriff.

The One Armed Man tells Cooper that one of the two of them must die, which he doesn't understand because he is still confused about the outside world.

He does drink some coffee in his new house, spitting it out and possibly triggering some memories about his past. 

Twin Peaks
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Twin Peaks Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Gordon I trust you, you know that. And I believe you are on the trail of something big.


Laura Palmer? Man, brings back some memories.
