Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 1 Episode 6 Review: Rule #33

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Everybody is trippin' you guys! 

Flat out up front – I've never done any kind of "trip" and the idea of it scares the bejesus out of me. Witnessing what went down in Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 1 Episode 6 only makes me feel better about the decision to limit my excessive intake to alcohol alone.

Yikes. What good really came of all that trippin' anyway? OK. I'll get off of my freak out over the "drugs are bad, mmmmkaayyy" and talk about the good stuff.

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, so they say. Something tells me things that happened there could eventually come back to bite some of our gal pals in the ass.

Off to Las Vegas - Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce

This was a very important hour in terms of information. We learned what's been going on with Phoebe's baby jewelry line, that Delia is hiding a lot under her smooth exterior, and just how little attention the ladies were paying to Lyla's situation.

Let's start with Lyla. Everyone likes to jump down her throat for her anger issues, but when Abby admitted she didn't really understand how bad things were with regard to the custody situation, my heart broke. Lyla was getting angry because nobody was listening. From her actions, I'm guessing she thought she wasn't famous enough or pretty enough or successful enough to be heard.

Abby was trying to be a friend to her, but she's so wrapped up in her own problems she missed the incredibly large change looming over Lyla's head. I have a feeling Abby will feel partly responsible for what Lyla does. As she told Carlos (purrrr), she cares a lot about what other people think; maybe too much.

Lyla tried to fit in and be cool but in the process she was slammed by Delia when she attempted to be a friend (You don't know me and you don't deserve to? Ouch) and pushed around by a tense, out-of-her-depth Phoebe. 

From what I understand, this was the last we see of Garafolo's Lyla. Will she be successful in running away with the kids? Did she win that much playing blackjack? Will she be arrested for kidnapping? We may never know, but her exit seems permanent, so I'm a little sad.

Delia's run in with an apparent relative in Vegas who shamed her for ignoring her only living parent will likely play a much bigger role going forward. If not because we need Delia to have more depth than the shark-like attorney and sex goddess she plays (that bathing suit!!), but because they fellow who played her relative isn't a short-term guest spot kind of guy.

There's not much to say about Phoebe. She tried the baby jewelry business, but it might have been a good idea to know a bit more about babies before she jumped in head first. Even the photographer was angry at her for not having 12 backup babies to get three happy babies at the same time. She seems the type to give up, and if that experience – capped with a baby swallowing one of the bracelets and choking on it – doesn't cause her to do just that, it will be a surprise.

You have to hand it to Abby. She tries so hard to keep everything together and on the straight and narrow. She was keeping to her cleanse to get fit (although that's hardly an issue she needs to address) and decided against the drug candies, but when she gave up her cleanse for party Vegas, she was shortly thereafter engaging in puking Vegas.

It was cool the true effects of cleanses, alcohol and drugs were touched upon instead of it all being one big, happy party. That stuff can be dangerous! There's nothing worse than having fun one moment and hanging your head into the porcelain god the next, but it can happen easily if you're not careful.

I cannot wait for Cleo Stevens to get her comeuppance. Her star rose so quickly there's no way she's not going to crash just as fast. Even Gigolo Carlos recognized in her nothing but an actress playing to the crowd. What real woman would tout skipping bathing your baby to lather your man or feeding your kid ABC turkey so you didn't have to pack the baby food? She's so disgusting, but when you think about how those guru types grasp people's attention, you just know how easily her garbage would be swallowed by the masses hoping to feel vindicated by their shitty parenting skills.

Purring Gigolo - Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 1 Episode 6

Abby's night with Carlos turned out to be a really good thing for her. He was a much wiser shaman than the crackpot Jake and Becca were visiting and he had the perfect nugget to feed Abby; nobody truly interesting is universally liked. That two of his favorite people were Axl Rose and GW Bush was brilliant.

Do you think the journalist who caught Abby handing Carlos the money will do more with that story? She seemed genuine, but it will be surprising if that doesn't come back to haunt Abby in some way. It would be preferable if the entire night could be used as a learning moment, a time to hang with someone she'd never have otherwise and to inspire her next great book. The End.

Meanwhile, Becca is in love with Jake. He's on the fence. (Get the gist of it in the Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce quotes.) He's still not over Abby and Becca knows that, which is why she took him to a shaman. That didn't work out well for either of them. Instead, he cried and went home; the home where he lived with the family he missed. While he was still tripping and Abby drunk from champagne, the two reconnected. It's not unusual for two people who love each other, but who are no longer in love, to have that last moment together. I think that's what we saw. It crushes me a little bit, but it's not surprising.

The act will likely cement their friendship, but still leave them confused for a while longer. I don't think they'll reconcile, at least not now. People have done it after divorcing and being separated. I'd like to think they might have that in their future, but their journey for now is to kill what remains of the life they shared as they shared it; not to lose each other in the process, but to find a new relationship and raise their children together. 

It still makes me want to cry. If ever a show was perfectly cast, its GG2D with Lisa Edelstein and Paul Adelstein. It would have been nice to know them before things got bad, but then it might not be as easy to love them both, so I'll take what we have.

What did you think of "Rule #33: When in Doubt, Run Away"? In case you haven't noticed, I could talk about it for hours. Hit the comments and talk about it with me! We also have a GG2D Twitter account we use for all the latest news and live tweets during the show, so be sure to follow us.

If you haven't seen it yet or need to catch up, watch Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce online via TV Fanatic. It's too good to miss!

Rule #33: When in Doubt, Run Away Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Yes, but this is divorce. It's painful and sad and nobody wants to read about it.


Jake: Awwhh! That was a workout. Amazing!
Becca: Yeah, that was great.
Jake: Yeah that was great? It was a little more than great.
Becca: Yeah. It's always so physical, you know?
Jake: Yes! It's sex. By definition, physical.
Becca: No, I mean, we've never really made love, you know?
Jake: No. I don't know. Really?
Becca: Like, when you hearts are open and it's not just two bodies connecting. It's emotional. It's deep.
Jake: Yeah.
Becca: You've never felt like that before?
Jake: Sure I have. I mean we're still new. We'll get there.
Becca: Well, I feel it for you. I guess I'm just not getting it back.