Bull Season 2 Episode 10 Review: Home for the Holidays

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If we learned anything from Bull Season 2 Episode 10, it was that Dr. Jason Bull is not comfortable with children. 

Did you see how high he jumped when he first saw that little girl sitting in his office?

I know that he wasn't expecting anyone to be there, but the fact that it was a child appeared to throw him off his game. 

Facing Off With Charlie's Father - Bull Season 2 Episode 10

And then there was his not-so-nice Bull quote:

Marissa, is it bring your brat to work day? One of those things wandered in here.


So, we can assume Jason Bull is not a fan of Take Your Daughter To Work Day. 

The one thing I was disappointed about was that Bull didn't even ask why Charlie wanted a "divorce" from her parents. Wasn't he even curious as to why she went to all the trouble to track him down? 

Did Bull really care that little?

Once he got over his initial shock, Bull turned out to be a responsive and understanding advocate for Charlie. Bull realized that Charlie was a scared, lonely, little girl who needed someone to look out for her. 

And he wasn't buying into Charlie's father, Rex, trying to sell him on how everything was fine, even though his 9-year-old was left home alone until 2:30 am.

Rex: We're in a doorman building. I've got 16 cameras which I can watch on my phone. We've got more security than Fort Knox. She's, she's perfectly safe, thank you, and she's perfectly comfortable with it.
Bull: And that's why she pleaded with me not to leave her alone.

Sure, Charlie was perfectly safe. That's why Rex came home to find a strange man sleeping on his sofa. No less, a strange man who had tucked his daughter into bed!

I don't even want to think about the list of ways that scenario could have gone horribly wrong. 

I was relieved when Bull popped into family court to ask a judge for advice about Charlie. It's sad that it took an investigation from Child Protective Services for Rex to realize how much he'd been neglecting his young daughter and how much of her life he was missing. 

Family Court - Bull Season 2 Episode 10

For a moment I felt annoyed with April, the nanny, until she explained her situation. She signed on to be the nanny, not a full-time substitute parent. 

As Bull ran towards Charlie's school, I was curious to see what would happen when he got there.

My local public school won't let just anyone walk in and pick up a child, so I couldn't imagine a high-end private school in New York City would be laxer with security.

Since Rex showed up to pick up his daughter, we never found out what would have happened if Bull had tried to take Charlie home. 

For as strong-willed and independent as Charlie seemed, she was just a sad little girl who thought she lost both of her parents when her mother died.

Thankfully, with Jason Bull's help, she was able to get one back. 

Elsewhere, Marissa struggled to manage her finances while keeping her personal humiliation a secret. 

I kept expecting Jason would ride to the rescue and help Marissa track down Kyle and get her money back. 

Oddly enough, I was happy to be wrong. 

Marissa: I gave him $75,000 to invest for me just before Thanksgiving. I got him an expedited passport so he could get to China after his was supposedly stolen, and now he's vanished from the face of the earth and all of my credit cards have been maxed out. My checking account's been emptied.
Benny: Kyle?
Marissa: Whatever his name is.

I was expecting Benny to storm off and find Bull or try to help fix things himself. Instead, he pushed Marissa to tell Cable, the tech specialist, and Danny, the form FBI agent. 

There was something about watching these women work together to track down Kyle that made it all the more satisfying. 

I used to be with Homeland Security, a Situations Analyst, and he played me like a fiddle.


Yes, it's easy to say that Marissa should have known better, that she should have seen this coming, but who hasn't been played the fool for love?

It was ironic that a good bottle of tequila was the one thing that tripped Kyle/Robert up. That and the desire to get back to his real wife and kids for Christmas. 

The best part is that we'll never have to see Kyle pawing at Marissa again. Their previous scenes together were nauseating. 

Temporary Guardian - Bull

My only real complaint about this entire episode was when Charlie told Bull and her father that Santa Claus was just a fairy tale.

I know they did their best to backtrack that line, but it still made for an uncomfortable moment as I sat next to my child who (hopefully) still believes. 

On the upside, Jason Bull looked good in the Santa suit. I was a little surprised he didn't try to hit on the pretty elf that walked by. 

Maybe that means he's still dating Diana Lindsay. I wonder if we'll ever find out. 

Also, did Chunk ever tell his daughter that he was her biological father? That seems to be another plot point that was left dangling. 

In the meantime, it appears the team at Trial Analysis Corporation will have a Merry Christmas. 

Check back for my review of Bull Season 2 Episode 11, and until then, you can watch Bull online here at TV Fanatic.

Home for the Holidays Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Bull Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Marissa, is it bring your brat to work day? One of those things wandered in here.


Danny: So we're representing the cheap knock off.
Bull: We are defending the realistically priced alternative and being paid a boatload of money to do it.