The Purge Season 1 Episode 4 Review: Release the Beast

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As it turns out, you need more to sustain the plot of a 90-minute movie for ten episodes than a dream and a video crew.

Things are steadily going downhill as of The Purge Season 1 Episode 4, and all focus has been lost.

Even the least interesting character has managed to become an even bigger dullard, and some of the dialogue doesn't even have a place in the series if anyone who understands the concept of the Purge is on the writing staff. I'm concerned about the future.

Eyeball Dude - The Purge Season 1 Episode 4

To be fair, I'm always concerned about the future these days, so watching The Purge isn't the most significant instigator.

But I can't recall that strange dude with the eyeballs drawn across his face being such a fascinating part of "Rise of the Beast" that he deserved not one, but two of the photos dedicated to this episode.

What I was unable to find in the photos, however, were instances of Penelope and her time at the carnival, anything to do with Miguel, or a shot of the party relevant to the present instead of useless shots of the threesome's origin story.

Who the eff cares??

That's not the best use of promotional materials when all of the fun stuff (if fun can even be used for this leaden installment) was left behind.

Desolate Streets - The Purge Season 1 Episode 4

Gullible Jane fell to pieces at the sight of Alison's murder of her promotional threat, but dammit, at least she had the guts to take out her nemesis by herself. Jane was such a wuss she called in a Purge night assassin! What a gutless wonder.

Alison didn't feel all that swell about what she did and didn't want her family or friends (let alone her coworkers) to know what she did. Nor should they -- ever. Jane doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to Purge night thuggery, so she'd best keep her trap shut about Alison.

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Jane doesn't even have a good memory. I wasn't even planning to murder my boss, and I heard the killer say loud and clear NO BACKSIES. 

Why did Jane roll out into the street armed only with a hammer? Was that clear? I hope it wasn't clear. If it was, I missed it.

Jane is Down! - The Purge Season 1 Episode 4

Not only did I miss it, but her slow slog down what was an empty street (complete with fiery cans for ambiance) was almost tragic. Go SOMEWHERE for goodness sakes. Get out of the road! It's PURGE NIGHT.

If she DID know where she was going, she should have been walking with at least a wee bit of purpose. If she didn't, that purpose should have been to get out of the street to somewhere safe.

I just can't.

What was up with the all-female triage team who rescued Jane? Here's what I got from them:

Triage Woman 1: Sexual assaults on Purge alone total in the tens of thousands every year.
Triage Woman 2: And that's just the women who report the crimes.
Triage Woman 3: Imagine how many don't.

Why would anybody be reporting crimes from Purge night when all offenses are allowed? Isn't that the freakin' POINT OF PURGE NIGHT? 

I could only imagine someone thought better of that putrid line of dialogue but not enough to wipe it out completely when they added in this gem as if it somehow allowed for this ridiculous metoo/timesup moment in the middle of a farce


With crime being so rare these days, women get a false sense of security and forget how bad things can get.

Triage Woman #2

Just NO. The Purge isn't about any current day movement regarding sexual assault if crime is gone and one day a year EVERYONE GETS TO DO IT. 

I could almost Purge myself for forgetting that Jane's storyline shouldn't have existed in the first place. Why was she suffering from sexual harassment in the workplace when Purging rid the New States (or whatever) of pretty much everything nasty?

I'm quaking.

Going to the Carnival - The Purge Season 1 Episode 4

Penelope at the carnival was equally as dismal since she was still on the "does this help them" kick, asking strangers to weigh in on her martyrdom. 

Still, the whole "martyr" thing makes no sense. Are Purgers so lazy they can't shop for themselves? Do they have so few issues in life that they must purchase strangers kidnapped off the street with hard-earned money to maim and kill instead of randomly crashing into terribly fortified abodes and getting their hands dirty?

Where are the old fashioned gangs of marauders who crash into a carnival and kill the jerks stupid enough to corral themselves at a central location?

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You know, the gang in Halloween masks with spiked balls on chains riding Harleys who roll in to kill and roll back out, then meet at Starbucks on Monday for coffee before work as if nothing happened?

They're the least creative and amusing Purgers EVER.

You know who else isn't amusing? Jemma, Rick, and Lila. 

Consoling Lila - The Purge

I was all for Jemma and Lila, but now it's possible Jemma tweaked Lila's buttons just enough to anger the little rich girl to the point Jemma could be left alone with nothing but Purgers at her side.

Who cares?

Rick and Jemma had a deal not to fool around with Lila when they weren't all in on it together. Well, life sucks, and then you die. In a world without crime, where ELSE are you supposed to find Purge victims for the coming event if not in your marriage?

Rick or Jem could have very easily chosen to off each other this Purge year, but instead, they decided to attend a party and cement their partnership in stone while getting into business with the devil aka Lila's FATHER.

Someone Is In Trouble - The Purge Season 1 Episode 4

That madcap crazy fellow. 

Jemma stood by Rick's side after Lila pleaded with her to make a family either with or without ol' Ricky boy and did it right in front of Lila's pop and any other random onlookers. 

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I didn't see the trailer for the coming episode, but my prediction is more incredible boredom and surprising contradiction ahead.

If you are watching watch The Purge online, let me know what you think of this one. Do you wish it had been a bit more, um, insightful instead of trying to spread the night across ten episodes with a razor-thin budget and sparse cast?

Let me know in the comments below!

Release the Beast Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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The Purge Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Penelope: What is this place?
Woman: This place? It's like the McDonalds of Purge.

I'm just a little short in the rich daddy department.
