Can We Trust Her? - The Flash Season 5 Episode 20

Joe, Cecile, and Iris try and get Barry to put trust in his daughter--even if she is working with Thawne.

Cecile And Iris Listen. - The Flash Season 5 Episode 20

Cecile and Iris listen to Barry as he explains his interactions with a darker Nora on The Flash Season 5 Episode 20.

Pensive Barry - The Flash Season 5 Episode 20

Barry Allen sits and ponders how his daughter could possibly betray him by working with Thawne in The Flash Season 5 Episode 20.

The Wests Figure It Out - The Flash Season 5 Episode 20

The Wests congregate to discuss their innate trust in Nora and where to go from here on The Flash Season 5 Episode 20.

West Allen Disagrees On Parenting - The Flash Season 5 Episode 20

Iris and Barry disagree on Nora's motives and who they should trust in The Flash Season 5 Episode 20. Iris wants to trust their daughter, but Barry can't get behind her working with Thawne.

Barry Explains It's Worse Than They Thought - The Flash Season 5 Episode 20

Barry explains Nora's plan to perform a heist with meta criminals while he recounts his fear in witnessing her eyes glowing red and her body vibrating to Iris and Cecile.

Cecile and Iris Work Through The Clues - The Flash Season 5 Episode 20

Cecile and Iris work through the clues they've gathered and attempt to figure out what Nora's true motive is.

The Meta Criminals Make A Plan - The Flash Season 5 Episode 20

Weather Witch, XS, Bug-Eyed Bandit, and Rag Doll plan out how they will perform a heist that gets them military weaponry.

Rag Doll Listens To The Plan - The Flash Season 5 Episode 20

Rag Doll sits and listens quietly and Nora explains the plan to steal military weapons to sell on the black market.

Negative Nora. - The Flash Season 5 Episode 20

Nora has switched her lightning and her uniform now that she's begun to use Thawne's negative speed force.

Rag Doll And His Contortions - The Flash Season 5 Episode 20

Rag Doll is back to his usual mischief in The Flash Season 5 Episode 20. He helps Nora on a mission to steal some military grade weaponry. Until he turns on her, that is.

The Heist Is On - The Flash Season 5 Episode 20

Weather Witch, Rag Doll and Bug Eyed Bandit are back in action on The Flash Season 5 Episode 20. Nora has recruited them to perform a heist and steal military grade weaponry.

The Flash Season 5 Quotes

Iris: Whatever the future brings we’re gonna deal with it when it gets here, and change it if we need to.
Cisco: She’s right. If there’s anything Team Flash is good at, it’s handing the future it’s own ass and then some
Caitlin: What he said.

Barry: Nora wait what are you doing?! You can't touch that, you'll contaminate the evidence!
Nora: Sorry, you mean you don't have a scene wide modified bi-sonic frequency field to avoid cross contamination?
Barry: I don't even think we have some of those WORDS yet!