Michael: Hey, Mom. Remember we had that conversation about trying to cut back on things that aren't necessities?
Lucille: Like it was yesterday.
Michael: It was this morning, and now I hear that you've hired a crew for the yacht? I'm selling that yacht.
Lucille: Michael, you haven't heard why I want it. To throw the most lavish party this town has ever seen for my birthday.
Michael: I enjoy a bicentennial as much as the next guy, Mom, but we're not doing that.

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Michael Bluth, Lucille
Arrested Development Season 1 Episode 8: "My Mother The Car"
Arrested Development
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Arrested Development Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Gob: I was halfway to South America, but I couldn't let you get away with it because we're brothers, Mom, and we kind of like each other.
Michael: You were going to South America?
Gob: I don't think so.

Lucille 2: Excuse me, but I thought my AARP card was good for one and a guest.
Buster: Hey, you know what? I knew that society would never accept this, and they never will.