So, you guys did know about this secret room, too.

</i> Michael

Buster was worried. That's what all the rocking and humming was about.


Jan: You never heard anyone in your family discuss plans to either travel to Iraq or do business there?
Tobias: Well, I spent so much time making sweet love on my wife that it's hard to hear anything over the clatter of her breasts and --
Jan Your witness.
Michael: I have nothing.

Michael: Nichael Bluth? Am I N. Bluth? Is he trying to set me up? If I'm N. Bluth, I'm going to prison.
Narrator: Nichael was worried.

Doctor: You could be a groom. Bring a little girlfriend up there with you.
George Michael: Oh, I don't have a girlfriend.
Doctor: A sister then, or a cousin. 'Course, you're gonna have to kiss.
Narrator: Guess who liked that idea?

Franklin: My name is Judge.
Gob: Whose name is Judge?
Franklin: My name is.
Michael: Okay.
Gob: That's a silly name.
Michael: That's enough.
Franklin: Judge, my name.
Gob: Yes, I am judging your name. It am silly.
Franklin: Is.
Michael: Please stop.
Gob: Oh, now, you're correcting my grammar.

Why can't you be more like Buster? He put himself in a coma to protect this family.

George Sr.

Narrator: ... and Michael discovers that he wasn't "N. Bluth" after all.
Michael: I have an older sister?
Narrator: So much for not abandoning family.

Why do there have to be puppets like Frank?

Wayne Jarvis

All rise for acting's highest honor, Judge Reinhold. (aside) Judge Reinhold neither a real judge, nor has he received acting's highest honor.


Michael: Gob, I'm not going to turn this mock trial into some kind of --
Gob: You were going to say "mockery," weren't you?
Michael: I was in trouble, like, three words into that.

Michael: Hey. What's this?
Gob: Just practicing my testimony. Needed a fake witness box.
Michael: And you couldn't have just taken my stuff off the desk first, or unplugged my computer?
Gob: Justice is swift, Michael.

Arrested Development Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Buster was worried. That's what all the rocking and humming was about.


So, you guys did know about this secret room, too.

</i> Michael