Felix: I cannot believe Ben did this to us.
Murphy: I can.

Murphy: Your little plan isn't going to work.
Felix: What, Murphy what are you talking about?
Murphy: We're not just laundering some money.

This dude has got condoms in every room. Extra large. Yeah, alright.


Felix, I'm going to need you to not be a little bitch for a second. 


You were a dick to me from the moment you started working at Guiding Hope, you know that? You really tried to get my own parents to fire me. You're judgmental. You're condescending, and you think you're better than everyone else, so yeah, I haven't been the biggest fan of yours.


Murphy: I'm not going to tell anyone. Just make sure we don't go down with the ship.
Darnell: I'd never do that to you guys.

Sterling: Hey.
Sam: How's everything going over there?
Sterling: It's all good. You wanna go grab a drink? I can't do my round until Felix finally leaves 
Sam: You mean I don't have to share you with Jess tonight?
Sterling: Shut up.

In The Dark Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Murphy: Your little plan isn't going to work.
Felix: What, Murphy what are you talking about?
Murphy: We're not just laundering some money.

Felix: I cannot believe Ben did this to us.
Murphy: I can.