Mary: How are you feeling?
Morgan: Good. Weird. Feels like I'm standing at the edge of a cliff. Does that make any sense?
Mary: It makes a lot of sense

Ben: My plan? I'm just... doing my job.
Des: Throw yourself into the work. It's a good, solid plan. But it's the same things, really. The drugs, the law, it's all just an attempt to control the chaos.
Ben: Ever think Mary's the one that creates the chaos?
Des: Yeah. She's good at that.

Sonia Danvers: He woke up about an hour ago. We've been praying and praying. Even Dr. Taylor.
Dr. Taylor: Turns out I have a knack

I'm so sick of people talking about love when they have no idea what it means. You know, if you love somebody, you don't lie to them. You don't tell them you care about them when all you care about is yourself.


Not a bad way to go, huh? Clean sheets, nice view, free hair products. I always pictured drowning in my own mucus in the ICU. This is better.


Morgan: When I was younger, I developed this obsession with medieval torture, like the Judas cradle...
Mary: Why are you telling me this?
Morgan: Because in a hundred years, they'll look back at now and say that the most popular form of torture was refusing to let people die. Dragging it out. Give people false hope, false relief, hook them up to machines. Something that should take months to kill them would take years. Those people? They're the bad guys. But you? You're one of the good ones.

Mary: You know, the first time I did this, I was sixteen. It was with my mother.
Morgan: She was sick?
Mary: Yeah, she was depressed. She wanted to die more than anything. So each day, I'd come from school not know what I'd find. And my mother was good at a lot of things, but she was terrible at suicide.

I remember, oh, the relief. No more waiting, no more wondering. And for a moment, everything was calm.


Des: I slipped up, okay?
Mary: Not okay. When did this happen?
Des: Today. I'm an idiot. I'm sorry.
Mary: Why? What triggered it?
Des: I'm an addict. I don't need a trigger. Everything's a trigger.

Mary Kills People Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Ben: My plan? I'm just... doing my job.
Des: Throw yourself into the work. It's a good, solid plan. But it's the same things, really. The drugs, the law, it's all just an attempt to control the chaos.
Ben: Ever think Mary's the one that creates the chaos?
Des: Yeah. She's good at that.

Mary: How are you feeling?
Morgan: Good. Weird. Feels like I'm standing at the edge of a cliff. Does that make any sense?
Mary: It makes a lot of sense