You're not the first person to hit a rough patch. But there's a difference between passion and purpose and posturing and pretending. You're too good to be the latter. And when I saw what you did with that horrible, that hurtful NFT and with those people tonight, that is not you. That is not your spirit. That is not from your heart.


I would never have appreciated a man like Hollywood when I was young and dumb.


Do you think I’m going to let some crack-head slut ruin my life? I will take you and your family down.


When I make a promise, I don’t break it. Anything you need, just let me know.


Nova: Take that down. That's not your moment to sell.
Micah: I was there too. How is that any different from what you wrote in your book?
Nova: You’re auctioning off your parents’ worst day in the middle of your Mom’s campaign. It’s different.

Violet: Oh, Nova. Baby, that book caused a whole lot of pain for all of us.
Nova: I know, and I’m sorry.
Violet: But baby, it also aired a lot of dark secrets that needed light in order for us to heal.

You ruined my life, and now you want forgiveness. I relapsed because of you and that book. Did you really think I’d be okay with a movie, or are you really that selfish?


Do you really think I want to watch my assault with actors in costumes? Do you think that I want that out there for Blue and Tru to see any more than you’ve already exposed it? All this shit you stirred, do you think I want that rewound and streamed on people's TVs for years, Nova? Hollywood finding me unconscious. Telling Ralph Angel about Blue, which almost killed me. You think these are great scenes, Nova? Are you crazy? Are you out of your mind?


Darla: Your father, he had a vision for his farm and his family, and he held it in his heart. He never let it go. And Nova, she stands up for what she believes in, and she fights for it even when everyone else disagrees with her. Micah's a go-getter even at his young age. You know, with his photography and his activism. Vi is a marvel. What she's endured. What she's built. And you're right up there with them. Protecting the land. Pushing the legacy. You've made some mistakes, but your whole family has. But you do it all with love and vision. Each of you.
Ralph Angel: You know I see you too. You're smart, brave, thoughtful. I don't know where you got that mind from, but I see you. I'm grateful that someone like you sees me. Little ole me.

Never underestimate the love of a Bordelon woman.


Who am I when I find out everything I thought I was isn't true? You know, I mean, maybe I'm better than what I thought.


If you don't define you for you, others will.


Queen Sugar Quotes

The players who got caught with the girl are just kids, coming straight out of high school. No home training, no life skills. We hand them millions of dollars and then say good luck. They marry riffraff. They live wild, now they're messing up our livelihood.


Nova: Be good.
Calvin: I won't tell you the same.
Nova: You know better.