My name is Michael Nasry. This is a message to you, America. You thought you could kill me. Your SEALs tried. Your drones tried. And your CIA tried. But I'm still here because you cannot kill an idea.


We failed you, amigo. We had him and we let him go.


I'm not the guy you married anymore. I can't be that guy.


You know for a Navy Seal, you're not hard to sneak up on.


He's not your asset. He's a goddamned traitor.


Sir, he's going to be dead by dark.


Prince: Whose side are you on?
Nasry: If you want to kill Gina Cline, then let's bring her close.

SIX Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Sir, he's going to be dead by dark.


Prince: Whose side are you on?
Nasry: If you want to kill Gina Cline, then let's bring her close.