Phillip's not going anywhere. He's under my protection. As long as he keeps up his stupid antics, he'll be going with me all the way to the finals.

Boston Rob

Jeff: Steve, you ever done anything like this?
Steve: Yea, I'm in a league, every Saturday.

Timing is everything in this game.


God is not done talking to Matt.


If I kept winning, I could honor my God more and more.


God has literally been carrying me for the past four days.


Steve: Where's numbnuts?
Ralph: He went out to the big rock.
Steve: Maybe he'll jump off.

[Phillip] has to have known what an ass he made of himself.


There's no prejudice in my crazy comment. I just thought you were crazy.


Survivor Season 22 Episode 11 Quotes

[Phillip] has to have known what an ass he made of himself.


There's no prejudice in my crazy comment. I just thought you were crazy.
