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Magnum explains his theory about Greene's watch to Katsumoto. Thomas asks Gordon to get him a copy of Greene's homicide file. But, with his appeal hearing in two weeks, Katsumoto refuses. Ruthie, Rick's wild-child younger sister, is coming to meet Joy. Magnum and Higgins' latest client is Jordan Hines, CEO of a clean-energy startup, which is fighting off a hostile takeover by an oil-backed hedge fund. Sandra Perez, Hines' CFO, is missing. Sandra was shredding a lot of documents the previous day. Thomas finds a man's shirt at Sandra's house. Juliet discovers Sandra dead in the chute to a dumpster. The hedge-fund manager says he was trying to poach Sandra. The shredded documents was the contract he offered her. The unique shirt Thomas found was made for Hines. When they confront Hines, he fires them. Hines' home security videos get deleted. Ruthie came to tell Rick that she's getting married. Mahina realizes that T.C. is acting nervous. He admits to her what's going on. The police arrest Will, the company custodian, for Sandra's murder. Childs has incriminating but circumstantial evidence against Will. Rick apologizes for expecting the worst about Ruthie. Her fiancee is Jennie, another surprise for Rick. Rick was the last to find out Ruthie is gay. Will forged one of Sandra's checks after her death. Will heard Sandra arguing with a woman the night of her death. HInes' wife knew but didn't care about the affair. Hines calls HPD and confessed to the murder. He's covering for his daughter, Zoe. But Thomas and Juliet can't disprove the version that Hines told the police. Katsumoto gets Greene's file for Magnum. Mahina helps T.C. install security devices at Island Hoppers. Rick and Ruthie talk about how he dropped out of her life. Then she asks him to walk her down the aisle.

Magnum P.I.
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Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

If [Hines] was lying about an affair with Sandra, what else was he lying about?

Thomas [to Juliet]

Your screw-up kid sister finally got it together. Sorry to disappoint.

Ruthie [to Rick]