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Max and Georgia had a baby shower. 

Max is extremely nauseous, and it's slowing him down at work when he has to keep taking breaks to go vomit. 

Lauren is upset with Helen and doesn't want to speak with her again, but then she needs her to consult on a patient who comes in and looks like he may have something cancer related going on in his throat. 

Iggy comes to Max because he suspects one of the most revered and seasoned doctors is not able to perform surgery anymore. He notices something going on with his hand. He doesn't want to turn on the guy though. 

Kapoor wants to perform a non-invasive surgery on a blind woman who hopes to see again. He teams up with Floyd so that Floyd can replace the woman's heart valve so Vijay can do the surgery, but Floyd is unsure if he can do it. 

He's also frustrated because he can't get all the things he needs changed to inform people that he is the head of the cardo department including his nameplate. 

Max speaks to Henry, the doctor Iggy is concerned about, and Henry picks up what is happening, and he's not pleased. Max requests a health evaluation, and Henry doesn't want to do another because he did already. He gives up his surgery, but he also calls Max out on trying to run the hospital while undergoing chemo. 

Kapoor claims they need a certain machine for surgery, but when they find out it cost three million, they orchestrate a plan where they go to their sister hospital to perform the surgery there instead. Floyd pretends to be the former head of cardio because he is accreditated at that hospital too. 

A series of patients from the same workplace come in with the same symptoms. Helen thinks that it's Hunter's disease due to the rats and conditions, but Bloom has a gut feeling that it's something else. They go with Helen's diagnosis and treat for it instead. 

After speaking to one of the patient's friends about the saints and redemption, Lauren locks herself away to treat the patient prompting Helen to freak out. Lauren is right about the treatment, but Helen goes to Max to tell him about Lauren's addiction problem. 

Kapoor and Floyd help their patient see for the first time. 

Henry is put in a new position overseeing telecommunication and walking doctors through surgeries. 

New Amsterdam
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New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Lauren: We were friends.
Helen: We still are.
Lauren: How?
Helen: You asked for help. Let me help you.

Oh my God, what is the medical term for barf my face off?
