Sylvia: The Poison Room Fountain has a stack of books for a statue. If we split up, we can probably find it within a matter of weeks.
Penny: Weeks? Oh, no, no. I got this. Think hours.
Sylvia: What makes you so cocky?
Penny: Cause I'm a traveler. And for once, it's not totally fucking me.

Quentin: When their adventure is done, or...
Eliot: Or, what, Q? My pregnant wife is locked up in Fairy Gitmo. I'm betrothed to a rat. My Pinot Noir grapes are nearly ripe. My adventure's just begun.

Julia: I'm sorry.
Kady: [keeps walking]
Julia: I got my shade back.
Kady: [stops]
Julia: And then I lost it again. For good. But, I also discovered I don't have to be like the beast. With the right help, I can do good. I just have a chip missing.
Kady: What do you want from me, Julia?
Julia: To be the missing chip. Tell me when to tap on the brakes.
Kady: Tap?
Julia: Slam on them. I trust you. I need you.

Josh: You could say please.
Margo: No, I literally could not. I'm going to go find Fen. You find a goddamn way to get me back.

When they named it the Poison Room, just how literal do you think they were being?


Reynard: Are you still trying to be a good person? As if there is such a thing. Left alone, you would fight and fight against your nature. And you would waste so much of what you really are.
Senator Gaines: If you think doing this is going to turn me into you, you don't understand people at all.
Reynard: I've been at it a long time. Look at Julia. I put a tiny black spot on her soul and she scrubbed it so much, she put a hole in it. She can never go back to who she is. And now, neither can you.

Hakuna Matata has failed me.


Heed my warning. Nothing entertains Ember more than a whimsical death.


The Magicians Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Quentin: When their adventure is done, or...
Eliot: Or, what, Q? My pregnant wife is locked up in Fairy Gitmo. I'm betrothed to a rat. My Pinot Noir grapes are nearly ripe. My adventure's just begun.

Sylvia: The Poison Room Fountain has a stack of books for a statue. If we split up, we can probably find it within a matter of weeks.
Penny: Weeks? Oh, no, no. I got this. Think hours.
Sylvia: What makes you so cocky?
Penny: Cause I'm a traveler. And for once, it's not totally fucking me.