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On the beach, little Beth asks for her father to tell the story again. He tells her how she wasn't walking at 18 months and then her uncle put on music and she danced to him.

In the present, Beth's boss is pleased that Beth is setting up a scholarship program. Later, Beth tells Randall that she has 200+ applicants for 15 spots. She doesn't know how to choose the right ones. Randall tells her to trust her gut.

Beth meets a girl who is super excited about the opportunity and her father who wants her to keep up with her studies.

Beth tells her new students to take up space and know they belong. She gives them a pep talk and has them tell themselves in the mirror "I can and I will". Beth's boss doesn't like the girl from before and doesn't think she will be ready.

Beth's father tells little Beth that she's one of a kind

In the past, Kate doesn't see why they have to buy food for Thanksgiving so early. Sophie can't wait til she and Kevin host Thanksgiving. Kevin changes the subject to there not being enough beer. Rebecca shows up with Matt and is all flustered. Rebecca introduces Matt to Miguel. It's awkward for everyone. Rebecca invites Matt to Thanksgiving dinner.

Kevin has breakfast with Kate, Elijah and Madison. Madison realizes Kevin is trying too hard to accept her dating Elijah. There is an awkward silence when Kevin invites Madison to the cabin. Elijah has no plans and changes the subject to Kevin's guitar. Toby shows up while on the phone. Kate admits she's jealous of the time Toby is spending on work calls. Kevin suggests that she skip the Manny taping to be with Toby. Kate insists on going. Kevin invites Elijah as well.

Young Beth and Randall have a date at a DC restaurant. Beth sees her old ballet teacher sitting at another table.

In the present, Beth offers to help the student with her pirouettes. The girl asks why Beth picked her when she's so far behind everyone else. Beth sees the same fire in Stacy that she had when she was young.

Young Kevin and Kate talk. Kevin won't mention Kate's weight. She won't mention his drinking. Kevin admits to Kate that he cheated on Sophie, just one time. Kate asks how he could do this to Sophie? Kevin says he can't even look at Sophie. Kate is adamant that he deserves to feel guilty and thinks he should tell Sophie the truth.

Elijah is impressed with the studio. Toby tells him a story. Kate is annoyed when Toby jokes that he hasn't seen Kevin since breakfast. Elijah wants to know if the gumballs in the machine are real. Elijah goes to get gumballs. Toby has to take a work call. Kevin brings up the cabin again. Madison doesn't want to talk about it now. Kevin gets her to admit that she doesn't want to go to the cabin--but just then he's called on set.

Randall tells Beth they don't have to stay. Beth says she saw that man every day and she was his favorite until she started struggling. He never called when her dad died. Randall offers to confront the guy for her. Beth says she'll do it herself. She goes up to the teacher. He is all friendly. He asks her what she's been up to. He asks her to stop by the studio one day. Beth wants to say something else but doesn't. She comes back and tells Randall she wants to go.

In the present, Randall and kids come to the show. Randall is surprised Beth is so anxious. She says she has no control since she's not dancing and is afraid she will fail. She needs a pep talk but has to pee as Randall begins.

Rebecca and Miguel joke about their cooking. Miguel thinks Matt basically invited himself. Rebecca seems upset.

Madison seems upset while watching Kevin perform. She whispers to Kate that maybe she should go to the cabin since it'll be easier for Kevin. Kevin has a line about being the best dad to his kids.

Sophie tells Kate she has Thelma and Louise. Also she thinks Kevin is being weird--has Kate noticed how much he is drinking? Kate says Kevin is stressed about his career. Sophie says Kate is probably right. Kate looks guilty as she turns away.

Sophie tells Rebecca that Matt is sweet and asks if they are going to go the distance. Rebecca says she'll see. Miguel is critical. Rebecca thinks Kevin and Sophie have the perfect romance. Kevin wants to go lay down. Sophie follows him and demands to know what is going on. Kevin admits he cheated on her. He also lets slip that Kate knew. Sophie storms off.

In the present, everyone tries to compliment Kevin but he insists on arguing with Madison. Elijah says it's his fault. Kevin lashes out. Madison says she's not trying to keep the kids away from him. Kevin says Rebecca has dementia.. He walks off upset when he learns that Kate told Madison to wait to tell him til later.

In the past, Kate goes after Sophie. Sophie is angry at Kate and decides to leave.

Kate goes into Kevin's room. He puts his head on her shoulder.

In the present, Kate checks on Kevin, who is not okay. He says Kate didn't have his back. Kate says she's had his back their entire lives and it hasn't been easy. She says she's letting him crash when it's not great for her marriage. She says that Kevin couldn't say he loved Madison so have some respect for her. Kate thinks Madison should be able to enjoy Elijah falling for her without being made to feel guilty. Kevin offers to move out for the sake of Kate and Toby's marriage but Kate says they have bigger problems than that.

Everyone is watching the dancers. You can feel Beth and her boss both holding their breath as Stacy dances. The audience is applauding but Stacy falls and then just stays on the ground. Beth comes on stage and checks on Stacy but Stacy says she's sorry about letting everyone down. Beth tells her she fell once too, a bigger fall than this and she felt so alone. She will sit with her on the stage for as long as it takes or she can get up and start again. Stacy dances.

Kevin comes to see Madison and tell her that she should spend Thanksgiving however she wants. Elijah calls Kevin as he is leaving. He says he knows he's seen as a nice guy and that Madison is out of his league. He hopes Kevin isn't just biding his time til Madison is free again because then he will be waiting a long time.

Rebecca thanks Miguel for his help. They banter about who is whose sous chef. Miguel apologizes about the digs at Matt. Rebecca says Miguel is her best friend and his opinion matters a lot. He wants to invite Marguerite too. Rebecca agrees.

In the present, Kevin practices his guitar and Toby asks him to stop as he is still working. Kevin tells him that the Bluetooth thing is bothering Kate. Toby counters that he usually takes calls in Kevin's room.

Kate texts Sophie (still in the present). Sophie has now forgiven her for not telling her that Kevin cheated on her.

Randall tells Beth the girls are giving her rave reviews between flossing. Beth finishes her wine and goes to say good night. She sees a photo of herself as a teenager dancing. She calls her old ballet teacher who is still there and working late.  He wonders why she called.  She tells him he was the sun and the moon to her and it meant so much to her that he was his favorite. But when her dad died, he tossed her aside.  He says it wasn't his job to coddle her.  She says he made her feel small. Vincent doesn't know what to say. Beth realizes now there is power in waiting in the wings and being there for other dancers. . She's taking back her power. She knows who she is and what she was meant to do.

We see Beth in an office waiting to see new recruits and she gets a card from Stacy who is now performing in The Nutcracker. She puts it on a bulletin board full of her girls' successes and recalls her father telling her when she was little she would change the world one day.

This Is Us
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This Is Us Season 6 Episode 6 Quotes

I want you to remember that you belong. Take up space.


Beth's father: You became my little island girl...
Beth: Who danced before she walked.
Beth's father: That's right. You always did things in your own way.